You like Mid&Plus and would like to read in English ?
On the Way, My village at the foot of the passes : Saint Jean Pied de Port, Ten reasons for moving towards harmony in a mindful way
My French Life™ – Ma Vie Française® -Magazine in Melbourne, Australia-
translated some of our portraits de femmes that you will find below.
Murielle Pringez, Khadija Boujanoui, Catherine Onnée, Muriel de Saint Sauveur, Roselyne Bachelot, Laurence Cossé, Li Chevalier, Katia Dayan, Lucille Desjonquères, Fatema Hal, Annette Girardon,
Kara Molinari, Delphine Moulin, Roseline Jomier, Béatrice Leroux-Huitéma, Feza Kashema,
Véronique Mirieu de Labarre, Diane von Fürstenberg, Catherine Soulas-Baron,
Virginie Taittinger, Hannelore Cayre, Jenny Brown, Tina Kieffer, Alix Baboin-Jaubert,
the Dalaï Lama, Claire Basler, Zahia Ziouani and Marie-Hélène Cossé.
Have a nice reading !